If the Deangate conversion to parkland is anything like as good as the conversion of Beckenham Place Park from Golf course to park then it will be a huge success. That used to be a barely used and underfunded golf course that when turned in to a full park with wild swimming pond is absolutely heaving with families every weekend. It's a joy to see.

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The potential loss of the rainham wilko is very interesting. Personally I’ve shopped there for years, but with a saver and a new Poundland in the precinct they have cheaper competitors. So residents won’t lose out it terms of needing cheap washing powder and batteries.

What’s worrying is what could potentially take o we the unit. There’s a move in the precinct to more cafe and hospitality type businesses rather than classic retail. Not sure if there’s anything that could take over such a large space and so it may stay empty.

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